Alcohol Health and Beer Towers

We all love to have fun and here we love to party as well. The most important thing is to be safe and so we thought we would put a little useful information to help you all. So here is our ultimate guide to keeping safe and healthy with alcohol.

We will add up to date and interesting information as we find it so add us to your favourites. 

Have fun and be safe…… 

Having fun with Beer Towers, Beer Tubes and Beer Giraffes!

  1. Beer Towers are designed for groups of 4 or more persons, and you should always consider the volume that you buy for your group.
  2. Keep to the safe drinking volumes, these are available in your country and you will find some useful links below.
  3. Everybody is different, so try to establish a safe limit for yourself after reading the guidelines, this may be less than the guideline amounts.
  4. Plan your evening, set a few time limits.
  5. Plan your journeys, book cabs or taxis in advance and leave the car keys at home.
  6. If you need a vehicle for your journey, have a designated driver, give them free non-alcolhol drinks and food for keeping you safe!
  7. Make sure you have a good meal, and never drink on an empty stomach.
  8. Have fun but understand the numbers, be responsible.
  9. Track and keep count of what you are drinking really helps, keep count!
  10. Use a drink tracking app on your smartphone!

Things to consider when you drink alcohol

  1. Driving a vehicle.
  2. Working with machinery or in potentially dangerous environments.
  3. Breaking code of practice or health and safety regulations at work or Education location.
  4. Prescription Drugs.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Recommended Alcohol limits.
  7. In areas or locations you other areas you are not familiar with, away from home.
  8. When you gamble or play cards!
  9. When you are child minding or caring for others.
  10. When you have not eaten.


Think about your food intake if you are going to drink alcohol.
Useful article by Dale Pinnock of the Telegraph UK

UK Resources:

Have fun and be safe with your Beer Towers, don’t miss out on this valuable fun generating season at your bar, it works in every country and region. Great for groups of 4 or more!

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Feel free to contact us anytime we are happy to talk about beer promotions and our products can assist you to raise the profile of your bar events and promotions!

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